Results. A new section of our website
We have accumulated a good amount of results already. So its time to share them. As an European project, some of the data generated is labelled as “public”. Being our duty to make it accessible to the general population. For that purpose, we want to introduce you to the results section of the website. You can easily access it in the top menu and will allow you to download all the documents as we generate them. We distinguish between several types of document:
- Official European documentation.
- Scientific publications. Either in magazines, congress or similar
- Other interesting documents
During the last years, Politecnico di Milano, as a consortium partner, participated in the “Applied Energy Symposium: 100% Renewable” as well as other events. This particular event was a forum organised by the University of Pisa (Italy) to discuss and share the latest advancement towards a cleaner energy system. For said event, we published a paper titled: “Simulations of a flexible 100 kWel PEM Fuel Cell power plant for the provision of grid balancing services”. Where Polimi studies the potential capabilities of the pilot plant based on a computational model of the plant. This and other papers are already available in this section of the website, so keep checking it for updates!