Grasshopper project in the EU Hydrogen Week
Yesterday, October 27th, the Grasshopper project was presented at the European Hydrogen Week during the EU Research Days, among other projects, specifically at the “End users: heat and power” session.
The European Hydrogen Week is an annual event dedicated to the clean hydrogen technologies. It is co-organized by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members, the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe, and Hydrogen Europe Research. Abengoa, the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructures, energy and water sectors, trough Abengoa Innovación, is an active member of the Hydrogen Europe.
The Grasshopper project has received great interest at the event for being a new generation of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Plants: more cost effective, flexible in energy production, achieving an estimated CAPEX below 1500 EUR/kWe at an annual production rate of 25 MWhe, and with promising results during the testing phase.
For more information about the agenda of the European Hydrogen Week 2022, check the following link:
This project has been funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking undersigned agreement number 779430. It is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework program for research and innovation and by the Hydrogen Europe and HydrogenEurope Research associations.