Grasshopper project presented at the Universities located in Seville (Spain)
Abengoa, an international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the infrastructure, energy and water sectors, through Abengoa Innovación, had the opportunity to present the Grasshopper Project in the main Universities of Sevilla (Spain), in which it participates and whose objective is the production of sustainable energy through a Fuel Cell Power Plant using Hydrogen.
The first seminar took place in March for the students of “Hydrogen-based Systems” subject of the Degree in Energy Engineering taught at the “Higher Technical Engineering School” of the University of Seville. The second one was organized in April for students of the “Industrial Technologies Projects” subject that is part of the Engineering degrees at the Loyola University.
During these sessions, the students were explained the importance that Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies have nowadays, the status of the Grasshopper Project, some of the lessons learnt during the construction phase of the project and some of the results of the tests that are being carried out.
The Grasshopper Project continues being disseminated to reach different audience target, brilliant students this time. We will come back soon with very interesting news.
This project has been funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking undersigned agreement number 779430. It is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework program for research and innovation and by the Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research associations.
Read MoreGrasshopper project in the webinar organized by the Spanish Fuel Cells Association
Abengoa, an international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the infrastructure, energy and water sectors, through Abengoa Innovación, has participated at the “Fuel cells and Hydrogen in the energy scenario” webinar, in the panel of Industrial Initiatives. The presentation of Abengoa has been focused on the Grasshopper project in which it participates and whose objective is the production of sustainable energy from hydrogen using fuel cells.
This online webinar, organized by the Spanish Fuel Cells Association (APPICE) and that took place on January 31st, has been a great opportunity for the Grasshopper project to spread its promising and successful results and promote its second phase in the Netherlands.
For more details of the webinar agenda check the following link:
We will come back soon with very interesting news.
About Abengoa
Abengoa applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructure, energy, and water sectors. (
Read MoreGrasshopper project in the EU Hydrogen Week

Yesterday, October 27th, the Grasshopper project was presented at the European Hydrogen Week during the EU Research Days, among other projects, specifically at the “End users: heat and power” session.
The European Hydrogen Week is an annual event dedicated to the clean hydrogen technologies. It is co-organized by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members, the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe, and Hydrogen Europe Research. Abengoa, the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructures, energy and water sectors, trough Abengoa Innovación, is an active member of the Hydrogen Europe.
The Grasshopper project has received great interest at the event for being a new generation of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Plants: more cost effective, flexible in energy production, achieving an estimated CAPEX below 1500 EUR/kWe at an annual production rate of 25 MWhe, and with promising results during the testing phase.
For more information about the agenda of the European Hydrogen Week 2022, check the following link:
This project has been funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking undersigned agreement number 779430. It is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework program for research and innovation and by the Hydrogen Europe and HydrogenEurope Research associations.
Read MoreThe Pilot Plant has been transferred to The Netherlands!!!

After some quite busy summer months, we are glad to announce that the GRASSHOPPER Pilot Plant has been moved successfully to The Netherlands. Milestone achieved last September!!!
The pilot plant has been transported by land to The Netherlands. The departure point was the Abengoa’s testing facilities, at the Port of Seville (Spain). At its final destination, the SAT (Site Acceptance Test) will be carried out, and then, the demonstration plant will be in operation for its final validation.
This new phase will serve for obtaining valuable information from the PEM Fuel Cell Power Plant (FCPP) technology.
- The Grasshopper project creates a new generation of FCPP capable of generating electricity and heat without emissions from hydrogen using fuel cells, with water as the only by-product.
- Don´t miss the awesome videos in our YouTube channel:

Project webinar – It is time to meet the team
After many months of hard work, setbacks and achievements, we are approaching the project end. During the last months, we have had the opportunity to present the project to some lucky groups that were able to travel to Seville and see the plant live. However, as it happened with any other aspect of our lives, covid prevents us from scheduling any live event. But there is always a bright sight! The grasshopper team has prepared a public webinar to share our learning and experience with the world. Here is a brief summary of the content you can expect in the webinar
- Overview of project goals and objectives
- Main results and achievement obtained so far
- Virtual tour to the 100 kW pilot plant
- Questions and interaction with the technical members of the project
There are limited spots, so be sure to register using the following link! Also, check out our new introductory video of the project, including a sneak peak to the pilot plant.
—> Register now here! <—-

Periodic Consortium Meeting, Seville 2020
Like every 6 months, and as the construction of the pilot plant continues, the periodic consortium meeting took place. This time in Abengoa’s HQ in Seville in February 2020 from the 25th to the 27th. After reviewing the status of the project, the meeting was especially packed with lots of technical details and 1-on-1 discussions between the partners. Since the testing phase approaches, there were many details to go through together. And there is no better opportunity than a presential meeting. Some of the key aspects were the Grasshopper stacks development and the pilot plant construction. We also continued exploring the market applications for the resulting product. A process that started back at our consortium meeting in Duisburg last year.
This time the chosen location was Seville, Abengoa’s Headquarters, where the construction of the pilot plant was taking place. Not only to enjoy the much warmer winter weather of southern Spain but also to give the whole consortium an in-detail visit of the plant. We spent a good couple of hours in the workshop, inspecting and sharing details about the pilot plant and previous experiences. The construction will finish in the upcoming months. And finally, the testing period will commence!

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